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Look at the image above. What comes to mind? Write about it!
Image by Lydia Ortiz
Use the following as a prompt: Ugly or smart? Pretty or dumb?
Your loved one has been an idiot, making them look bad, irresponsible, maybe even bordering on dangerous. You as their friend need to confront them on their mess.
Use the provided video as your prompt.
Write up to, but no more than five (5) paragraphs. The last line of the last paragraph must be: "As night became day, he [pronoun can be adjusted based on how you identify] began to understand the truth."
You fall in love with a ruthless murderer what deep dark secret do you uncover that explains everything about them?
Use the image above as the prompt
Image from the NYT
Use the image above as the prompt.
Image found on
Use the image above as the prompt.
What happens when the chicken runs out?
How unfathomable, how inconceivable, eh gad! In other words, WHAT WOULD I DO! No chicken, no tender juicy deep friedness in good old pork skin oil infused with scotch bonnet pepper and pimento seeds, seasoned with Jamaican spices and battered with flour. No scent of hot grease greeting me at the front gate or taste of it drizzling down my mouth corner. How preposterous, how unnerving, for Pete's sake! I'm scared!
Write a prompt where the following is the beginning to your last paragraph.
Who did I think I was fooling? I wasn’t fooling myself, that was for sure. But maybe I could stay one step ahead of them, at least for a while. It would give me time to... "
"I would have really looked bad if they knew that I . . . "
"Who did I think I was fooling? I wasn’t fooling myself, that was for sure. But maybe I could stay one step ahead of them, at least for a while. It would give me time to... "
A story or poem:
The first sentence must start with: “It only took five seconds....”
The last sentence must start with: “Six weeks later....”